Stop “managing” your speaking anxiety

Tell me – how many times have you come across this advice? “Feel the fear and do it anyway?” It comes packaged in a variety of ways – reframe your fear as excitement, just ignore it, don’t let it hold you back – but essentially the message is...

Why are you scared of public speaking?

Speaking is our human design. As a species, we’ve been communicating with our voices for somewhere between twenty thousand and two million years. And yet around 75% of us have a fear of speaking in public. How can that be? Why is public speaking so scary for so many...

What to do when your presentation goes wrong

Have you ever made a mistake while you were speaking? Or forgotten to mention something you really, really wanted to say? Or perhaps you haven’t done any speaking yet because you’re terrified you will make a mistake? I know exactly how you feel. The mere thought of...

How to get comfortable in front of a video camera

In 2015, I was a new coach looking for ways to get the word out about my business. There was a new app called Periscope that was blowing up, and I knew it was my best chance at getting in front of potential clients. The only problem? Periscope was a livestreaming...

The Only Way to Stop Being Your Own Worst Camera Critic

Many people are uncomfortable on camera because they worry about what other people will think of them. But most of the time it’s not other people that judge you most harshly–it’s the voice inside your head. The chances are that you’re your own worst critic. Imagine...

How to calm your nerves before speaking in public

A while ago, I was the opening guest speaker at a business retreat for salon owners. All the attendees received a copy of my book, Delight in the Limelight, and over the two days, many of them approached me to get their books signed and share with me their speaking...